Catherine Murphy and Co.

Office of Catherine Murphy and Company , Solicitors 093 36030Catherine Murphy and Company’s office is located at Main Street , Headford in a modern, spacious ground floor premises, which is fully wheelchair accessible.
The offices have a fully fireproof and secure safe for storage of Wills and Deeds.
The firm has invested in the most up to date technology, case management systems and accounts packages to ensure an efficient and secure service to our clients.
The firm specialises in conveyancing, to include house purchases, sales , mortgages, transfer of farms and family assets, personal injuries actions, Wills and Probate, general Litigation, Landlord and Tenant, Commercial Law, Family Law, Employment Law and Insolvency .

Catherine Murphy and Company , Headford

Catherine Murphy and Company , Headford


Elaine Whelan

Elaine Whelan

The practice has developed and expanded since its formation in 1999 and gained an excellent reputation for looking after our clients interests in Counties Galway and Mayo. We place great emphasis on client care and attention and pride ourselves on offering a quality and efficient service.
We value our client connection and we attribute our development and expansion to the many client recommendations and testimonials received from our existing client base.


We value each and every client and strive to offer a personal service. Our four solicitors ensure that we can offer a speedy response. Solicitors profiles can be found here .


Marie Cahill , Marie King and Jo Fitzgerald, Marie King is accounts and litigation, Marie Cahill and Jo share reception.

Marie Cahill , Marie King and Jo Fitzgerald

In addition our  support staff ensure the efficient running of our day to day business activities. Marie King. Marie Cahill and Jo Fitzgerald, Marie King deals with accounts and litigation, Marie Cahill and Jo share reception.

Disclaimer and Credits

Catherine Murphy and Co, Solicitors credits page and website disclaimer statement .

Law Society of Ireland

Catherine Murphy and Company Solicitors are members of the Law Society of Ireland.

Catherine Murphy & Co. Headford

Catherine Murphy


Catherine Murphy and Company
Main Street
093 36030